
RentalWebs 1.2 New features

marzo  2022

With this new version, RentalWebs consolidates itself as an excellent option for an online vacation rental shop for small owners, with a complete reservations management system. But where these new features contribute most, is in the section for property managers or vacation rental agencies.

Owner Portal

Thanks to the owner's portal, vacation rental agencies can offer the owners of the properties they manage, access within their own domain, with the following information:

  • List of the upcoming bookings or grouped by years.

  • Interactive calendar with available, occupied or closed days.

  • Commission invoices issued by the vacation rental agency.

  • List of prices per night that the owners will charge, for each confirmed reservation.

In this way, the owner from his mobile phone and at any time, can check the expected occupation.

Reservation Panel

The reservation panel has been improved, when there is more than one property in the system. In these cases, the home page when accessing the administration will be this panel, in which the confirmed reservations of all the properties pending arrival are shown.

Some filters have also been included with some intuitive icons, which allow access to the reservations that today are occupying the houses, will arrive or leave.

Cancellation Policies

Until now, cancellation policies had been included in the conditions for booking a property, but with this new functionality, they can be linked to each reservation. This will be useful when several cancellation policies are managed, since each reservation confirmed within the system, will have its cancellation conditions associated.

Integration with Partee for traveller registration

The integration with Partee allows us to streamline the registration of travellers, automating the entry reports that have to be sent to the corresponding police force.

In addition, Partee allows you to check-in online, before the guest's arrival or in person, with the automatic reading of identity documents or passports.

Protection against spam messages

Protection against unwanted messages or spam, which can be received through the different contact forms on our vacation rental website, has been improved. These are the measures implemented:

  • Before sending a message, a reCAPTCHA control must be passed. In this way, an attempt is made, to prevent the message from being sent by a robot.

  • Before sending a message, it is checked that the sender's IP and email address are not registered in the Stop Forum Spam database.

  • Within the RentalWebs database, a record has also been created with the IP and email address of the spammers that we have detected sending or trying to send fraudulent messages through our system, to prevent them from being able to do it again.

  • Lastly, the Honeypot Technique has been implemented.

Stop Sales

Stop sales, until now had been managed, leaving a period without prices and in fact, it is still the recommended method and the simplest. However, once the prices have been published, it may be necessary to stop sales for a few days, either to carry out a repair in the house, for cleaning or maintenance tasks. In these cases, creating a stop sales record would be the most suitable.

The other assumption occurs with property managers, when they do not want reservations to be generated within the system, with the synchronization of the calendars of other competing agencies, since they will be reservations that they will not manage. For these cases, the import of a calendar can be configured to stop sales, blocking availability, without creating new reservations.

API to integrate with other websites

The RentalWebs booking engine can be integrated with any web page, with a simple button or link to book, like the one in this example:


This same call can also be included in a form that sends the dates of a reservation, for one or all the properties on the website.

In addition, a series of REST calls have also been developed, which allow developers, among other things, to obtain a booking total amount, the availability of a property or its price list. In this way, there are many possibilities to integrate the information generated by RentalWebs, within any website.

Bugs correction

Minor bug fixes and performance improvements that inevitably occur, in the software development process. Thus contributing to consolidate and give stability, to the application.

Vacation Rental Channel Manager for
RentalWebs 1.1 New Features
Owners Portal
Guest check-in with Partee
RentalWebs 1.2 New features